Facts About BamBody

How do we determine nutrition facts?

We use a third party, FDA approved labeling service that determine nutrition facts based on ingredients used.

Our labels pull ingredients directly into the USDA database.

Nutritional Values are an estimation based on averages.

Do you use food lab testing to determine nutritional content?

Our new ELITE line of BamBody treats include nutritional analysis based on food lab results and are updated quarterly.

We DO NOT use food laboratories to determine nutritional values of all products.

Why do you NOT use food lab analysis to determine all nutritional values?

BamBody Nutrition is a small business, in which all products are crafted by hand, and baked in large 50lb batches. Due to this, food lab testing:

• Does not take into account variation from batch to batch

• Is not required by the FDA

• Is extremely expensive for small businesses

• Manufacturer changes

FDA database nutritional values have proved to have lab testing beat; if a sample sent to the lab happens to be an outlier, it may be LESS accurate than relying on averages.

BamBody Nutrition would not be able to offer flavor variation, seasonal treats, vegan options, gluten free options, or any of the numerous incentives we currently offer our customers.

Why does the FDA NOT require products to be lab tested?

FDA understands that it would not be feasible to lab test all products which is why they have created a database using standards and estimates.

Lab testing does not take into account batch to batch variation.

Does not take into account manufacturer changes.

How will the new Elite line of BamBody Treats be different from the others?

They will be created in small batches
(This will allow for less variation from one serving to another.)

Nutritional analysis will be performed by Diebel Laboratories and updated quarterly.

What kind of sweetener do you use?

What kind of sweetener do you use?

For the majority of our products we use Lakanto monk fruit sweetener.

What kind of protein do you use?

We use a variety of different protein sources depending on the treat.

The majority of our treats use a mixture of dehydrated egg white, egg whites, and pea protein. Select products do contain whey.

BamBody Product Lines

Bambody Treats – provide a healthier, high protein “diet friendly” alternatives to indulge in your favorite desserts

Bambody Treats Elite – provide macro specific, high protein treats geared towards customers who require regimented or restrictive diets

Bambody Treats Seasonal or Limited Edition – items offered for a limited time during various times of the year

BamBody Nutritional Content

Bambody Treats – products and the corresponding ingredients are submitted to an independent third-party nutrition labeling company that is fully FDA-compliant for a process called database analysis. This independent third-party utilizes an "average" value derived from databases to determine the nutrition content of our products.

Bambody Treats Elite – products and corresponding ingredients include nutritional analysis based on lab testing. The nutritional content of Bambody Elite treats are lab tested on a quarterly basis to ensure specificity. Published macro and nutritional content are updated quarterly and can be found on the Bambody Nutrition website.

Bambody Treats Seasonal or Limited Edition – products and the corresponding ingredients are submitted to an independent third-party nutrition labeling company that is fully FDA-compliant for a process called database analysis. This independent third-party utilizes an "average" value derived from databases to determine the nutrition content of our products.

BamBody Ingredients

Sweetner: Lakanto monk fruit sweetener.

Protein: Bambody Nutrition uses a variety of different protein sources depending on the treat. The majority of our treats use a mixture of dehydrated egg white, egg whites, and pea protein. Select products contain whey protein.

Bambody Nutrition Treats Product Line Bambody Treats Bambody Treats Elite Bambody Treats Seasonal or Limited Editions

Macros/Nutritional Values

Based on averages determined via database analysis. Submitted to an independent third-party nutrition labeling company that is fully FDA compliant who provides averages for each product

Based on lab analyses. Submitted to lab for quarterly auditing of macro/nutritional values

Based on averages determined via databased analysis. Submitted to an independent third-party nutrition labeling company that is fully FDA compliant who provides averages each product.

How is the product prepared?

Prepared in large batches

Prepared in small batches

Prepared in varying sized batches; dependent on demand.

Benefits to the consumer

Increased ability to obtain greater variety and maximize flavor (i.e. flavor variation, gluten free, and vegan options)

Ability to enjoy treats with specific macro/nutritional content customized for individual health and dietary needs

Increased ability to obtain greater variety and maximize flavor (i.e. flavor variation, gluten free, and vegan options)

Which customer will this benefit?

A customer who wants to indulge in a ‘diet friendly’ version of their favorite desserts

A customer who requires more specific nutritional/macro content (not based on averages)

A customer who wants to indulge in a ‘diet friendly’ version of their favorite desserts

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